MoNA: Museum of Northwest Art Auction 2018

I started this year's MoNA, Museum of Northwest Art Auction 2018, painting this week. I am going to do a progression of the painting so you can see how it comes together. 4.01.2018- Due to several life changes this last month I have had little time to work on the painting I was going to donate to the MoNA auction. SO this painting will be worked on but will not appear in the MoNA 2018 Auction. The first post starts March 3 2018 just scroll down to see the first entry: No. 5 front 03/07/2018 I decided at this point to start to centralize an image. It is so ominous mixing grey from earth tones, Ocher Yellow, Iron Gesso, Oxide black and Indian red. This thick mix of opaque grey blots out the sky, it is the wall graffiti block out color that never seems to match the concrete. No. 4, front 03/07/2018 No. 3, front 03/5/2018 This is the first layer / wash of color to build up the structure. It is an old technique I learned from my oil painting...