Power suit, Don DeLeva

Power Suit: Skateboard Ply, acrylic paint, varnish, 41"x 10" SOLD : Jason Fester Skateboard Collection, Seattle Wa. Hear is the newest Skateboard,Title: Power Suit, Acrylic on Skate Deck, 41 x 11 x .35 . 10/2016. She fights everyday, puts her soul into her work. Strong, knows how to get what she wants, she has earned her "Power Suit" climbed the ladder and become a leader. She is a strong woman comfortable in her womanhood. "While an exposed breast in public can have many associated connotations, some women in America today argue the exposed breast is a symbol of liberation. They speak against the proposed notion that their rightful place was below their male counterparts. " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toplessness , "As a form of liberation." Along with the tie, I painted her breasts as a symbol of her equality, liberation and strength in the business world.