
Don DeLeva: Candy Breath

Candy Breath is a first attempt to bring both my Pop Surrealist and Abstraction tendencies together. As you view the painting you can start to see cartoonist features blend into realistic features that are abstracted and then disappear. I do this give the impression of a personality changing as mood changes and conversation ebbs and flows. This painting SOLD in the "VISIONS EN ROUGE" (link to show) , Confluence Gallery (link to gallery) , Twisp Wa. 12/2017

Kitty Noire

Kitty Noire:  wood panel, silver mylar wall paper, acrylic paint, varnish,  6"x 6"x 0.5 . 08.09.2017 I started painting on wall paper, this is on Silver Mylar it's more of an experiment. At work I have access to so many types of surfaces that I decided to start taking advantage of the scraps and recycling bins.

DeLeva's RoboCat

RoboCat:  wood panel, acrylic paint, varnish,  6"x 6"x 0.5 . 08.09.2017 SOLD : Trisha Gallagher Collection, Tacoma, WA-->

Timmy, up close and personal.


Possie's getting bigger!

Here is a photo of my last 4 paintings. Keep in mind these are the single images that make up my abstracts.

MeBot and Timmy

MeBot and Timmy are two characters I have been panting for a while now. They have been in many abstracts It's only now that I have painted them on their own. MeBot : Acrylic on wood, 6x6 Timmy : Acrylic on wood, 6x6 This Idea of an Alphabet This morning while painting an abstract I started to realize that it might help people understand my more complicated work if I paint my characters in a non abstract way. Kind of like sounding out letters phonetically until you understand how to pronounce a word.  This is how I understood how to listen to noise music.    

Are my paitings busy?

I am asked quite often why are my paintings so busy. I don't see them as busy, I see them as 3 or five paintings in one.
Huxley's Dream:  clay board panel, acrylic paint and gold leaf, varnish,  6"x 12"x 2.25. 2/2017. I was reading "The Doors of Perception " by Aldous Huxley during the painting of this work. One does not need to be under the influence of mind altering substances to understand the malleability of reality and how we consistently change our perception of the now to assess and comprehend our present. My art de-focuses focal point in order to challenge the viewers perception of what they are looking at. My paintings are meant to "visually change" as moods, sounds and environment change. The work is not so much about the image, but more about the perception of the viewer. My goal is to get the viewer to actually "see" themselves think.

Don DeLeva art : Clasical Action paintings

The Wall Street Bailout. This is a video of paintings inspired by the wall street bail out.

Don DeLeva: painting : She War Heels.

She War Heels:  Wood panel, acrylic paint, varnish,  5"x 7"x .275. 1/23/17

Don Deleva art: painting My Black Cape, 2016

My Black Cape:  clay board panel, acrylic paint, varnish,  5"x 7"x .175. 2016 SOLD : Steve Nelson Collection, Indianola, IA